The story is moving too fast now with so few panels, creating way more questions than answers. It actually became frustrating to check for updates 3 times a week because I know there will be a new plot twist, a new question and possibly a new cliffhanger on the next update rather than an answer. I think I’ll take a break from visiting the site for a month and come back sometime in mid january when I can expect to actually know WTF is happening / why it happened the way it did.
Rumy + Rikk are likely to die together, wherever Yellow Snow ported them. They’re likely to be captured by the Hand already (ported right into a holding cell, perhaps?)
Rest in Pieces, Will.
Re: time to re-read Tiki Wiki’s testimony in a whole new light. Funny how he was the most knowledgeable of the return crew.
@Plover: You know, that makes sense. It would explain the “Hello, visitor,” given that Tiki Wiki is a visitor from the future. And it fits with his getting cut off in mid-sentence; instead of that being due to Will’s interruption, it could be the result of a bodily takeover.
Great idea, Tiki! If he’s a skeleton, it’ll be harder for the Hand to find him AND he’s easier to hide!
Man, Tiki Wiki is totally the BEST time-traveler.
If Mec Tech downloaded her mind into the closest host that could accommodate and Tiki Wiki’s cloak of many technologies is probably the best then she possibly took over him. Or she’s been hiding there all along. The time travelers mentioned killing Mec Tech with a virus, but quite possibly she downloaded herself into a different host back then and let AEGIS believe she was dead. What better way to sabotage them then to lay dormant as a sleeper agent until needed. Quite possibly Shanna and the rest would think Tiki betrayed them without realizing what really happened. This is the second time one of the time travelers has seemingly screwed up the mission.
No, no, no, here’s what happened. No possession took place. This is most definitely a true betrayal by someone who was a mole the whole time. Why else would he just now reveal his useful technology. Mechtech safely transferred her sentience to the internet itself. And this was Tiki Wiki’s goal all along, to make sure that occurs safely. He is a preserver of lost technologies, and that includes Mechtech’s powers, especially now as it is associated with the internet, which he is extremely interested in. One could even make the case that Tiki Wiki could be the son of Mechtech and the Internet! By omission of action, as well as the obscuring of truths, he’s ensured Mechtech’s survival.
Oh yeah, go Dr. McNinja! I was just saying that with Dr. McNinja there they should be eliminating some enemies by now. Called it!
In other news, dang, sh*t just got real. Not too late to use that 23-sider, huh Jared?
I’d like to suggest a two alternate possibilities:
1) What if this isn’t a betrayal at all? What if that device somehow /stored/ Will (think Library of the Dead) and ‘preserved’ him for later reconstruction/resurrection, since they knew Will would die during the battles to come?
2) What if /Will/ was going to be the traitor, and only Wiki knew it, and this is his way of fixing the situation?
@QAlchemist #1 seems very plausible. Perhaps the Travelers realized history is immutable and what they plan on doing is creating duplicates of the original AEGIS at the time of their expected deaths to resurrect them in the future.
Tiki Wiki’s device theory… See The Driver from X-Men 2099. Kills people and stores everything about them, for later re-creation. Hope it works this time for Will, the Driver’s charges didn’t end up so lucky.
Tiki Wiki’s just blind, actually. He was trying to hand it to Will, and he has no idea that he accidentally vaporized him. This is likely the fifth time that this has happened, but that’s what they get for giving a blind guy a vaporization weapon.
Ooh, better yet, that’s just a dehydration beam! They’ll pour some water on him, and, POOF, instant Will, everything’s better!
well….. we’ll see…. too little panel space for all the drama happening at once.
There are two common depictions of “teleportation”.
The first one es kind of a Ctrl X – Ctrl V operation. The item is destroyed in one place and rebuilt somewhere else. I have allways surmised that no such technology will be put to use without safeguarding a backup of the item, until the integrity of the operation has been troughfully checked up. This leaves the chance to attempt a second Ctrl V from ram or such (with all the fun of multiple itterations and paradoxes). The cardbox technology and the Xenochiclets power seem to behave like this kind of teleportation.
Its in the end a Matter -> Energy -> Matter of some kind.
Will could have been preserved in ram somewhere… but why only him? Why not the full AEGIS rooster? Why not the Futurians themselves? The Di-Guthrie futurian could have been restored to integrity…. he/she self-destroyed … or made us think that.
The second kind of teleportation is of the kind of the DRAG FILE from one window to another. Like in the new Galactica series and quite like the the power of Bellhop futurian. In this case, no backup is made and if for some reason the file cant reach the other window, the opperation can end in total failure and loss of the item.
We will see.
Merry X’mas everyone.
I liked Will waaay more than that Rikk guy. Rikk was always too perfect for my tastes.
I’m really in the “I have no idea what’s going on” camp. If Tiki Wiki just got possessed by Mechtech than I think it could have been shown a little more clearly, like had him say something Mechtech was saying when she started to download. “My body is a preservation” seems to lend itself to him preserving things like Mechtech not getting possessed.
If Tiki Wiki was a mole all a long (Some how related to Mechtech or trying to help her as people have suggested) it seems like overkill to just now reveal himself and vaporize Will. He basically says “I know you guys already lost,” in that final panel. Seems like an odd time to jump into the fight instead of retreating with them…. unless they’re just planning on completely party wiping them right here and now.
So, I guess that’s what’s going on? Tiki Wiki has dropped the facade now because he thinks AEGIS is already dead.
It seems quite odd that Tiki Wiki would go to such lengths to try and explain what he was going to do if he was just going to kill Will. I guess it could have just been a distraction, but I feel like there has to be more to it. (If I’m wrong, though, it sure makes the point about Rumy never forgiving Will moot…)
Also, I suspect that the ‘Hello, Visitor’ is the internet’s residentrogue A.I. saying hello to Mechtech as she crowds into it’s turf. It’s hard to be certain though, since the word bubbles are so different.
I’m with Stevarious. Tiki Wiki is not so simply a traitor as it seems at first glance.
He was trying to communicate with Will. Explain something to him. It seemed important. Will didn’t listen. Tiki decided whatever it is he’s doing needs to be done right now.
Yeah, I’m also going to go with Stevarious.
Tiki Wiki must be working some angle, it does not make the least bit of sense for him to turn traitor now.
I’m also a little hesitant to think Will is really dead, bag of bones not withstanding.
Ok my two cents what if it was Tiki Wiki saying “hello visitor”?
Other notes. The placement of Tiki Wiki’s I know lends me to think that he is in fact saving Will since Will was just noting that their plans are basically useless without the xenochiclets.
I think there’s more than a fair shot that Tiki Wiki just “saved” Will in some capacity. It’s exactly what capacity that worries me. What if his mind has been salvaged for use in a new body but his body is forever gone? That would be… unsettling; however, we already have a precedent (future Guth who’s mind was kept in tact in Diana’s body).
“Will Erixon has left the library. Will Erixon has been preserved”
“Hey! Who turned out the lights?”
“Will Erixon has left the library. Will Erixon has been preserved”
“Hey! Who turned out the lights?”
“Will Erixon has left the library…”
Tiki Wiki said he’s a “preserver of artifacts.” I’m guessing Will’s an artifact now, safely stored so that this FUBAR event doesn’t take him out. Wiki’s only way to alter the outcome of this fight.
Didn’t see that one coming.
List of traitors is growing…
The story is moving too fast now with so few panels, creating way more questions than answers. It actually became frustrating to check for updates 3 times a week because I know there will be a new plot twist, a new question and possibly a new cliffhanger on the next update rather than an answer. I think I’ll take a break from visiting the site for a month and come back sometime in mid january when I can expect to actually know WTF is happening / why it happened the way it did.
Hopefully January – March will be the time of cliff note explanations.
I third the notion of What.
Everything is not going to be okay.
Rumy + Rikk are likely to die together, wherever Yellow Snow ported them. They’re likely to be captured by the Hand already (ported right into a holding cell, perhaps?)
Rest in Pieces, Will.
Re: time to re-read Tiki Wiki’s testimony in a whole new light. Funny how he was the most knowledgeable of the return crew.
Mechtech -> Internet -> Tiki Wiki
@Plover: You know, that makes sense. It would explain the “Hello, visitor,” given that Tiki Wiki is a visitor from the future. And it fits with his getting cut off in mid-sentence; instead of that being due to Will’s interruption, it could be the result of a bodily takeover.
Great idea, Tiki! If he’s a skeleton, it’ll be harder for the Hand to find him AND he’s easier to hide!
Man, Tiki Wiki is totally the BEST time-traveler.
….Was he… trying to get Will to kill him before that happened? I’m so confused, we don’t have nearly enough information right now.
“My body is a preser-”
What was your body preserving, Tiki? What did you hide in it?
He was fascinated with the Internet, wasn’t he. Right when he was introduced. He really liked it.
If Mec Tech downloaded her mind into the closest host that could accommodate and Tiki Wiki’s cloak of many technologies is probably the best then she possibly took over him. Or she’s been hiding there all along. The time travelers mentioned killing Mec Tech with a virus, but quite possibly she downloaded herself into a different host back then and let AEGIS believe she was dead. What better way to sabotage them then to lay dormant as a sleeper agent until needed. Quite possibly Shanna and the rest would think Tiki betrayed them without realizing what really happened. This is the second time one of the time travelers has seemingly screwed up the mission.
No, no, no, here’s what happened. No possession took place. This is most definitely a true betrayal by someone who was a mole the whole time. Why else would he just now reveal his useful technology. Mechtech safely transferred her sentience to the internet itself. And this was Tiki Wiki’s goal all along, to make sure that occurs safely. He is a preserver of lost technologies, and that includes Mechtech’s powers, especially now as it is associated with the internet, which he is extremely interested in. One could even make the case that Tiki Wiki could be the son of Mechtech and the Internet! By omission of action, as well as the obscuring of truths, he’s ensured Mechtech’s survival.
Oh yeah, go Dr. McNinja! I was just saying that with Dr. McNinja there they should be eliminating some enemies by now. Called it!
In other news, dang, sh*t just got real. Not too late to use that 23-sider, huh Jared?
Hmm, I’m positive that Hilda was putting on an act, fingering Will and Rumy as the traitors. I wonder if she foresaw this?
I’d like to suggest a two alternate possibilities:
1) What if this isn’t a betrayal at all? What if that device somehow /stored/ Will (think Library of the Dead) and ‘preserved’ him for later reconstruction/resurrection, since they knew Will would die during the battles to come?
2) What if /Will/ was going to be the traitor, and only Wiki knew it, and this is his way of fixing the situation?
Just playing devil’s advocate here. 😀
@QAlchemist #1 seems very plausible. Perhaps the Travelers realized history is immutable and what they plan on doing is creating duplicates of the original AEGIS at the time of their expected deaths to resurrect them in the future.
Tiki Wiki’s device theory… See The Driver from X-Men 2099. Kills people and stores everything about them, for later re-creation. Hope it works this time for Will, the Driver’s charges didn’t end up so lucky.
Tiki Wiki… He’s a preservation of the internet, or Wikipedia… And the hand had some edits, I think. He wanted Erixxon to kill him first…
If that device does store will until he can be regenerated it was awfully clever of T to leave a clue in the second panel “bodies… can be rebuilt”
I’m-a refrain from saying ‘called it’ because I don’t know exactly what happened just now. Still…
Tiki Wiki’s just blind, actually. He was trying to hand it to Will, and he has no idea that he accidentally vaporized him. This is likely the fifth time that this has happened, but that’s what they get for giving a blind guy a vaporization weapon.
Ooh, better yet, that’s just a dehydration beam! They’ll pour some water on him, and, POOF, instant Will, everything’s better!
Dr. McNinja?
well….. we’ll see…. too little panel space for all the drama happening at once.
There are two common depictions of “teleportation”.
The first one es kind of a Ctrl X – Ctrl V operation. The item is destroyed in one place and rebuilt somewhere else. I have allways surmised that no such technology will be put to use without safeguarding a backup of the item, until the integrity of the operation has been troughfully checked up. This leaves the chance to attempt a second Ctrl V from ram or such (with all the fun of multiple itterations and paradoxes). The cardbox technology and the Xenochiclets power seem to behave like this kind of teleportation.
Its in the end a Matter -> Energy -> Matter of some kind.
Will could have been preserved in ram somewhere… but why only him? Why not the full AEGIS rooster? Why not the Futurians themselves? The Di-Guthrie futurian could have been restored to integrity…. he/she self-destroyed … or made us think that.
The second kind of teleportation is of the kind of the DRAG FILE from one window to another. Like in the new Galactica series and quite like the the power of Bellhop futurian. In this case, no backup is made and if for some reason the file cant reach the other window, the opperation can end in total failure and loss of the item.
We will see.
Merry X’mas everyone.
I’m really in the “I have no idea what’s going on” camp. If Tiki Wiki just got possessed by Mechtech than I think it could have been shown a little more clearly, like had him say something Mechtech was saying when she started to download. “My body is a preservation” seems to lend itself to him preserving things like Mechtech not getting possessed.
If Tiki Wiki was a mole all a long (Some how related to Mechtech or trying to help her as people have suggested) it seems like overkill to just now reveal himself and vaporize Will. He basically says “I know you guys already lost,” in that final panel. Seems like an odd time to jump into the fight instead of retreating with them…. unless they’re just planning on completely party wiping them right here and now.
So, I guess that’s what’s going on? Tiki Wiki has dropped the facade now because he thinks AEGIS is already dead.
McNinja can make it better, right? RIGHT‽ :'(
Shanna is going to straight. up. murder someone.
It seems quite odd that Tiki Wiki would go to such lengths to try and explain what he was going to do if he was just going to kill Will. I guess it could have just been a distraction, but I feel like there has to be more to it. (If I’m wrong, though, it sure makes the point about Rumy never forgiving Will moot…)
Also, I suspect that the ‘Hello, Visitor’ is the internet’s resident rogue A.I. saying hello to Mechtech as she crowds into it’s turf. It’s hard to be certain though, since the word bubbles are so different.
Who knew? Sonic Screwdrivers have a disintegrate setting.
I’m with Stevarious. Tiki Wiki is not so simply a traitor as it seems at first glance.
He was trying to communicate with Will. Explain something to him. It seemed important. Will didn’t listen. Tiki decided whatever it is he’s doing needs to be done right now.
This is why I fear sequels. Things like this always happen sooner or later.
*Goes back to read the happy ending at the end of Fans Classic and pretends that everything since then is an alternate timeline.*
Rikk is going to wake up next to Susan Pleshette, saying this was all a dream, with Bobby in the shower.
Yeah, I’m also going to go with Stevarious.
Tiki Wiki must be working some angle, it does not make the least bit of sense for him to turn traitor now.
I’m also a little hesitant to think Will is really dead, bag of bones not withstanding.
Ok my two cents what if it was Tiki Wiki saying “hello visitor”?
Other notes. The placement of Tiki Wiki’s I know lends me to think that he is in fact saving Will since Will was just noting that their plans are basically useless without the xenochiclets.
The true tragedy here is that now that he’s FINALLY lost enough weight, Will still won’t be able to play the role of Seinfeld properly.
I dunno. “Clatter, clatter, clatter, thud.” Pretty much every joke Seinfeld ever made.
I think there’s more than a fair shot that Tiki Wiki just “saved” Will in some capacity. It’s exactly what capacity that worries me. What if his mind has been salvaged for use in a new body but his body is forever gone? That would be… unsettling; however, we already have a precedent (future Guth who’s mind was kept in tact in Diana’s body).
“Will Erixon has left the library. Will Erixon has been preserved”
“Hey! Who turned out the lights?”
“Will Erixon has left the library. Will Erixon has been preserved”
“Hey! Who turned out the lights?”
“Will Erixon has left the library…”
Di has yet to attack Rumy and be brutally defeated, left for dead and then return as the big bad.
Okay, clear this up for me, is that Jesse (jspin?) dressed as Dr. McNinja? Or is that somehow the real Dr. McNinja that’s stabbing her?
That looks more like necromancy than futuretech…
Totally the real Dr. McNinja. Y’see, there’s this book….
Welp. I guess it’s a good thing that I won’t have internet access for few weeks, I have no idea what to make of this.
Tiki Wiki said he’s a “preserver of artifacts.” I’m guessing Will’s an artifact now, safely stored so that this FUBAR event doesn’t take him out. Wiki’s only way to alter the outcome of this fight.