The Fans story “Crossover” makes a brief appearance in the book, and Jason is developing a couple of alternate covers. Beyond that, there’s not a huge Fans connection, but I hope you’ll enjoy the cerebral stimulation, regardless.
Archive for July, 2012
Jason included a note with this surprise bonus. I normally get to be the “voice” of the series, so it seems right, in these concluding moments, to let him have the last word.
Here is End Credits 7, which I call “Boldly Going.” I like to think that maybe the negotiations with the Community went well and they’ve provided the Fans with a shiny spaceship to tool around the galaxy to see what they can do. A sort of trial period. If and/or when there are ever any more strips, I think a natural next chapter would be “Fans in Space.”
Wednesday, Friday: Different things!
Jason came to me at the last minute and proposed one final, out-of-continuity “end credit” which represents his own personal goodbye to the series. Obviously, I couldn’t say no to that. So look for that on Monday.
And on WEDNESDAY, look for the beginning of a brand new spec project from me and Jason, “WEBMASTERS.” Though it has no relation to Fans or the Fansverse now, its original concept was for a Fans story. We’ve taken that core concept in an unexpected direction, but I think you’ll enjoy the results.