"The Perfect Blog" (5 of 6)December 1, 2002
There is no problem that thinking cannot solve. And there is no thinking that we cannot do. Therefore, we have no problems.
The others think as I do. Their career plans are on hold for as long as their savings hold out. As they should be. Careers are a distraction from the great interconnect.
Today, we mapped out a workable ten-month solution to world hunger. As a purely intellectual exercise.
I've written enough. Time to read for a while. And then... I'll do whatever strikes my fancy.
November 30, 2002
I know I should be worried. Really, I should be terrified. But I'm not.
November 29, 2002
Funny how reading a bit more puts it in some perspective. I'm beginning to understand the reasoning behind the plan. That's giving me some ideas for how I can stop it, and save my own mind in the process.
I'm well aware that this could be my addiction to the links, masquerading as reasoning. That still scares me. But I know that one mid-level F.I.B. agent has no chance against a conspiracy of this scope, not unless he has an enhanced intelligence. I have no choice but to indulge further.
Here's some more about mind control. I think this is very interesting.
November 28, 2002
It just hit me now, when I was staring at the screen. My mind is always most focused when I'm staring at screens these days...
Mind control. MIND CONTROL! How could I have been so blind??
Thackerabilitus Sieughiewiecz pioneered mind-control technology with a device that flooded higher consciousness with trivia, leaving the lower consciousness in charge, and open to suggestion...
"Trivia." No one dares call an essay on the migrations of geese "trivia," but that's what it is to most people most of the time: irrelevant to their own lives except as a curiosity. I was wrong, there is no "pattern" as such, only randomness... but the randomness is strategic.
Someone is testing mind control within F.I.B. headquarters without Jones's knowledge. And they've got six drones already. Six, soon to be seven.
I have to call Jones. Cell phone. Waist pocket. I have to call Jones. I have to call Jones. I have to call Jones. Why can't I stop typing?
typing one-handed now. other hand's picked up the mouse. it's opening the blog. i can't stop it. the left hand doesn'tknow what therighthandisdoing hhahahahahahaha oh god if anybody finds this journal please don;'t read the blog don't read it don'
This journal is the private property of Agent Samal. Reading it without permission is a felony.
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