I compiled this list with a lotta help from Nic Juzda.
Not like I *NEEDED* a lotta help fer this one. I mean, hey, Seven of Nine. Who don't like her?
Awright, put yer hands down. You buncha prudes an' pervs. Just cause a woman has big honkin' bajoober-babbers, you guys think that's all she's there for. Yer completely missin' her subtler charms. Like... uh... these:
10. More arrogant contempt for humanity than Odo and Spock combined.
9. The way she talks about efficiency when she walks around in high heels. (No, no! It's IRONY! It's COMPLEXITY! Jeez...)
8. Th'way she periodically goes on a rampage to rejoin th' collective.
7. Th'way nobody ever holds those rampages against her.
6. Th'way she proves that Star Trek is a progressive, acceptin' universe where even th'most hated an' feared of races can turn out to be total ba-- I mean, can become productive members of interspecies society.
5. She relates well ta kids, an' everyone loves kids on Star Trek, right?
4. I hear she does a great Macarena.
3. Th'fact that while she might be a complete newcomer who regularly saves the ship while th'trained crack personnel stand aroung and do wallpaper impressions, at least she ain't Wesley Crusher.
2. Th'way her clothes act as a "mood ring" that charts the progress of her humanity. First gray, then blue...
1. Th'way her name reminds us that we're on the seventh season an' th'show is almost over anyway.
An' you guys thought I was puttin' this list off! Ha! I could sit around and do this all day, but there's areason we call 'em "Top TEN lists."
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